In a concierge, (or membership), medicine practice, the doctor makes a commitment to limit the number of patients to ensure adequate time and availability for each patient, and to provide an enhanced level of care.
Extended, unrushed visits enable physicians to spend meaningful time with patients, build relationships, and provide more comprehensive, proactive care than in traditional practices. To make this possible, the patient pays an annual fee.
My concierge practice focuses on patient-centered care, with more time to address complex conditions and individual concerns…more time to listen and respond to questions at each visit…and more time to work together to determine the best treatment options. We begin with an extended
annual physical, which provides the basis for a personalized wellness plan. I am available by phone 24/7 to patients, serving as a medical advocate
whenever and wherever needed, whether it’s during regular office hours or in the middle of the night. Additionally, I care for my patients
in and out of the hospital.
My mission is to provide a highly personalized approach to care that puts patients’ needs and concerns first. Establishing a long term, meaningful relationship with each patient is key, working together to restore health and focus on prevention and wellness. Most emphatically, it is medicine without compromise, and it is what every patient deserves.
I have a limited practice size so I can devote more time to each patient’s care and individual needs. This allows me to schedule up to 45 minutes for routine appointments and approximately two hours for the annual exam. Appointments will start promptly, and I will be able to spend more time with you. If a problem requires extra time for evaluation, I will reasonably accommodate you to the best of my ability. Also, our communication will be enhanced through patient-dedicated cell phone and email.
Because I have been practicing in the area since 1999, I have a broad knowledge of local and regional surgical and medical subspecialty expertise in our area. Should you desire, I am available to help you decide which specialist to see and to coordinate such consultations. In this way the most appropriate resource is used, the earliest arrangements are made, and your applicable medical information is sent in advance of your specialist visit.
Yes. Paying your annual fee allows you to be a member of my practice whether you are sick or well. I strongly encourage you to utilize the benefits offered, regardless of your state of health, to proactively safeguard your health.
By design, my practice is a concierge practice with a limited enrollment. Once that enrollment limit is reached, a waiting list will be established. Every effort will be made to accommodate interested patients now and in the future, but the enrollment limit must be honored in order to continue to provide the highest standard of personalized care and service to all patients.
“He who has health, has hope
And he who has hope, has everything.”
~Benjamin Franklin